Andy Smith Design
10 Twickenham green 14 flats corner.jpg

Twickenham Green

This is a small-scale landmark site at one of the entry points to Twickenham Green, and was occupied by a very humble pair of Victorian cottages, making quite a “soft”corner. I felt the only way to make the development site work in urban design terms would be to create a hard corner, by placing a strong archetypal building form quite hard to the pavement, with minimal margin, but do it in a semi-rural style. This would be conspicuous as you approach the corner from any of the three directions. That would anchor the arrangement - from which one arm is two quite grand attached houses, the other arm being a stereotypical pair of suburban semis. The whole thing together is a block of flats that ties in well to both streets, expresses and turns the corner, and provides a focal point from across the green.

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